
Thursday, September 17, 2020

 This link we have been 

this is Maui and the sun on book creator .

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

100 word challenge week 2

This is my 100 word challenge week 2 today. 

100 Word Challenge 

I went into our car and we had a party. I saw a bale of hay out in the grass. I saw a lot of apples, pumpkins and an old bike. The guy was trapped in the bail of hay. We asked some people to grab him. The problem is that we can’t get him out. so we found a solution to get the man out of the hay. We used apples to free him by pushing them in to break the hay. We because nobody helped us.

Monday, September 14, 2020

This is my zoo

 This week we have been working on my zoo.

This is me changing

 This week we have changing our body .

This is my tuhituhi about the magic globe

 This week we have been working on tuhituhi .

take a look at my mahi and please leave a comment 

Where shall we go this time?” Jeremy asked his brother.

“How about there!?” replied Max excitedly. “We’ve always talked about going there!”

The brothers both put their fingers on the part of the world they had chosen, and waited for the magic to happen.

“I wonder if it will be as fun as our last trip,” mused Jeremy, as the globe began to glow… 

to the magic globe also I am magic. I went to bed and woke up my brother.

And he was happy also we ran away to Chipmunks. Play . also the magic globe also we are happy also we can go. Home and my friends and we can play this. My friends play with  the toy .Also the magic globe is old. Also it is 100 years old and we went to the shop. Also, somebody bored  the magic globe and we went home. Also we went to bed and we had food, said mum .Also I went to bed. I also went to the shop and I. went home.and i went to eat  sum food.

Friday, September 4, 2020

the Work


Growing up in the age of industry in the city of London could be a miserable existence. Living in the workhouse and working every hour God sent sweating in the mill made Harry’s life difficult, dangerous and miserable.

He had a dream that could change his life forever…

I went to school but my mum took me to the workshop and the Kids were dirty  they got smak by the boss and smacked  me. I  ran away to home and. I was Crying i went to my bed and I was  sleeping. I was also really mad but. Play the  violin .I went to bed and woke up. I ran to work. I Got in Trouble. He made me do the bin and eat the fat  pig. It's time to go home  but you wake at 2 in the morning. I was early and I was bored. The boss got mad but he smacked me and all the kids were laughing at me and it  was the end.