
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

100 word challenge week 2

This is my 100 word challenge week 2 today. 

100 Word Challenge 

I went into our car and we had a party. I saw a bale of hay out in the grass. I saw a lot of apples, pumpkins and an old bike. The guy was trapped in the bail of hay. We asked some people to grab him. The problem is that we can’t get him out. so we found a solution to get the man out of the hay. We used apples to free him by pushing them in to break the hay. We because nobody helped us.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Savannah.
    My favourite part about your story was the colour of the text.I like that it looks like a rainbow.To me,rainbows brings me happy memories of my horses.
    I have seen the picture you wrote about.
    I'm glad that you help free the man,that was so kind of you.Did you want to eat the apples as well as stick them in the hay?.
